How to Find H.O.P.E. in the Midst of Today’s Mental Health Crisis

Hope for the mental health crisis

Do you or someone you know suffer from overwhelming anxiety, debilitating depression, or another mental health struggle?  You are not alone and there is H.O.P.E.

May is Mental Health Awareness month.  During the 1st year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by a massive 25%, according to a scientific brief released by the World Health Organization (WHO).

These numbers are alarming! Those that don’t typically struggle are struggling and those that already were struggling are in overdrive. 

H.O.P.E. is on its way!

H- HELP- Get help and reach out for support!  If you are having a tough time, reach out to a trusted friend or family member.  If that’s not enough, seek professional help.

  • Create a list of support numbers BEFORE you need it!

 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text ‘MHA’ to 741741

Mental Health America:

Suicide Prevention Lines: 

O- OPEN- Be open and willing to share, and learn tools and skills to navigate your struggle. You don’t have to go through this alone.

P- PRACTICE– Daily practices are essential for your mental health and wellness. This is a process so, be gentle with yourself.

  • Sleep- Establish a healthy sleep routine and wind down (tech-free) an hour before bed (at least 8 hours is ideal).
  • Gratitude- Celebrate and write down things you are grateful for each day.  This is a beautiful tool to reflect upon too!
  • Outdoors- Get outside and soak up some vitamin D, rain, or shine.
  • Exercise– Move your body!  You don’t need to be a gym rat; you just need to put your body in motion.
  • Healthy Foods and H2O- Fuel your body with nutritious meals and drink at least 64 oz of water daily.

E- EMPOWER– Empower yourself to show up and to do your best Every. Single. Day.  By role modeling this behavior you will be empowering those around you too!  Bonus!

Life can be tough sometimes.  It’s important to put your mental health first!  Your story matters and the H.O.P.E. you share may impact or possibly save someone’s life.

If you’d like support navigating your journey of H.O.P.E. please contact me!

Coach Jen’s Challenge:

  1.  Take care of YOU!  Self-care is NOT selfish!  It is essential!  Create a list of 5 things you can pull from in times of stress, anxiety, or whenever you are feeling down.
  2.  Check-in with friends and family that may need support.  Tune in without trying to “fix” or “advise”.  Rather, just be an active listener.
  3.  Talk openly about mental health.  This helps normalize it and removes that stigma that many feel attached to.  Share resources and help advocate for those that may be unable to do so for themselves.