Welcome to my Tribe! I am so glad you are here! Writing has been one of my favorite things to do since I was a child and now, I have a platform to share it with you!
I am so excited (and a little scared) to be leaping out of my comfort zone, to share empowering and inspiring content with my growing Tribe!
Since this is my very first blog, I really struggled to figure out what I wanted to share first. I have SO many incredible ideas it was a little tough to pick “the one”. I finally decided to start with taking risks.
After all, writing this post is a risk for me! Many of my close friends and family would be surprised to know that writing a blog is a little outside of my comfort zone, even though writing is one of my favorite things to do.
So, what makes this a risk? Simple…I am putting myself out there in this crazy, uncertain, scary world wide web! This brings up feelings of vulnerability, fear, and possible judgement.
However, it also brings up feelings of excitement, empowerment, and self-acceptance. I am choosing to feel the fear and do it anyway! That feels AWESOME!
This is what being FEARLESS is all about! It is about getting out of your comfort zone and stepping into those things that make you feel a little uncomfortable, maybe some tummy jitters or a racing heartbeat. If you don’t feel at least a little uneasy, scared, or uncomfortable you are not growing…you are stuck in your comfort zone!
So, how can you bust loose of that zone? The answer is simple. Take a risk!
What is something you have been yearning to do yet, fear has kept you from doing it? Think about that for a minute. How would it feel if you could do it? Now, if you did that what else could you do?
This is the where the growth happens. Every time you take a risk, you are taking a step out of your comfort zone and by doing that your comfort zone gets bigger and bigger!
All small steps (risks) forward count! Maybe you want to start your own business but, fear has told you things like…
“You’re not good enough.”
“You’re not ready.”
“You need to put your money elsewhere.”
“It’s too risky.”
“That will never work!”, etc.
Do any of these sound familiar? This is your FEAR talking! Fear has one job, and that is to keep you safe. It is up to you to feel the fear and take the risk anyway knowing it may be scary and…it may be exciting! Don’t worry about the outcome. The outcome actually doesn’t matter. What matters is you took the risk and you will learn and grow either way.
Once you learn the art of taking risks your world will open in ways you never dreamed possible! I am speaking from personal experience.
This week I am challenging you to take ONE risk every single day that scares you a bit or makes you a little uncomfortable. Decide the risk you are willing to take before you roll out of bed each morning, write it down and then JUST DO IT!
At the end of the day take a minute or two to journal about how it felt to take that step out of your comfort zone and closer to reaching your goal.
Thank you to each and every one of you for taking the time to check out my very first blog post!
I am looking forward to writing many many more!
If you would like support learning how to take risks and how to step into the life you are truly here to live, please reach out! I would love to connect with you! Contact me below to set up a complimentary Discovery Call! I look forward to meeting you soon!
Be Fierce, Be Fearless, Be YOU!!
Empowerment Coach, CFLC
I love this post! What a great reminder to “just do it” as the “doing it” is what’s most important! Thanks for the inspiration, Jen!!
Thank you, Lauren! Yes, the magic is in the action! I’m so glad you enjoyed the message!